Monday, June 14, 2010

Blogging for Herbal Remedies

     Have you ever wished that raising a family didn't involve quite so many trips to the Doctor and drug store? Meeee toooo! You know..... it's not always necessary to make those trips if you have a little faith in yourself, and the interest needed to learn about basic herbs. I'm not condoning or suggesting that you buy a book and immediately call yourself an herbalist. What I will condone and recommend is that you talk to a Naturopath and ask for a list of herbal remedies that are both mild and considered harmless.
Choose what you feel comfortable with and begin slowly. For instance, there is a plethora of medicinal items growing just within the bounds of your yard. A simple wild onion rubbed on a sting will usually relieve pain and itching. Plantain leaf is good for bites and also scrapes. The Black Elderberry Bush - Sambucus Nigra, is a pharmacy unto itself! There have been numerous studied done on its medicinal properties which have proven its effectiveness against many viruses, including the flu! My family uses Elderberry tincture every year to allay symptoms and reduce the number of sick days. The Mint family is a good place to start with herbals -- who doesn't like a nice cup of mint tea for an upset stomach?

Wherever you decide to begin, do go slowly and carefully! Find a local herbalist to learn from. Don't begin with herbs that are considered risky or dangerous. Some herbs are hugely potent! Many of the prescription you take began in a field of herbs! And because of the nature of this article, please understand I post this only as a demonstration of herbs I use and not herbs I am "prescribing" you to try!! I am an herbalist..... but only with a Doctors blessing! So, enjoy your foray into the world of self-care, use intelligence and caution always. And start with herbs that are also foods as another way of ensuring even more safety! Gotta run!! Next installment might include how to tincture or something on drying your herbs for Winter. Just getting started here.

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